Sunday, May 15, 2016

The oh so Tasty "3 Minute Chocolate Pancake"

Been a while since I have posted anything on this blog. Looking forward to investing some time into it again, pretty fun.

Hungry on a Sunday afternoon and want to make something fast that tastes good? In a matter of minutes a chocolate pancake can be whipped together.

I like to combine Bob's Red Mill mixes. Brownie and Pancake actually.

Simply mix half of one and half of the other in a bowl with water. Put a few Enjoy Life Chocolate chips in. I like the mega chunks just because.

Put a little olive oil in a pan over medium to high heat. Pour the mixture in. Have always been told that once you see the bubbles it is time to flip the pancake.

Flip it and wait a minute or so and check it. A 3 minute chocolate pancake ready to eat. Allergy friendly too.

It takes about 30 seconds to eat. Something special about the pancake soft texture and the melted chocolate!

Should hold me over for a while...

Monday, May 28, 2012

Good Lunch But Not so Tasty

It has been a rough couple of months, having to give up all the sugar and white bread. I miss all the sweets and empty calories, let me tell you, to escape from the stress and problems each day by indulging was quite fun. My life now has changed some, the choice has to be made to do things that will not cut life short from a heart attack or some other obese related thing that could put me in the hospital or maybe not here anymore at all. Reality sucks sometimes, but making decisions based off facts are the way to go in this world. So, it has been a routine of exercise and low glycemic foods.

It was a busy morning, for some reason I was lucky enough to work on this Memorial Day, seriously though, it was not that bad if you get past all the sarcasm. Sometimes it is extremely enjoyable to show up to the job when everyone else is off, especially when I was able to run home for a bit and make lunch, and now later take a few minutes and write about it. Great therapy for me to get this off my mind and share.

Why can't I make this stuff tasty? It is next to impossible for me to season dishes correctly, or even cook them right. The lentils were way too dry, brown rice was was actually alright, and then a burnt sirloin burger, what a disaster. A photograph is included, not my most memorable lunch needless to say. Tried to improve it by putting soy sauce on the side and cheese on top, a way to cover up the lack of skill of a proper chef. Ketchup makes the beef taste better, along with dob of mozzarella. Hope you enjoyed this post, if anyone read it at all. I benefit from it because it clears up space in my brain.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Met-Rx Pancakes Hello There

It is late Monday night, yesterday was Christmas and I probably ate about 4 pounds of food. Guess you could say I am a bit sluggish today and want crawl in a hole and pretend it never happened (eating that much). One of my cousins reads this blog believe it or not, think she is probably the only one that does. Sarah, hello and thank you! The Met-Rx Pancakes are delicious. It was what I just had for dinner. Lets see, i put one scoop of powder in a bowl, then poured a little water and stirred gently. Had the iron skillet heated up and then cooked them, so in all it took about 3 minutes to prepare. It was tough in the beginning, the thought of biting into cardboard tasting hotcakes was running through my mind. To my surprise the flavor is great, not like a sugar topped waffle or anything but enough flavor to keep me wanting more. This will be a new staple in my diet. It is not like a one time protein supplement that is tried for a few weeks, I will stick with these. Yes, new years is like a few days away and I am already on the plan to get thin. By next week this time the list of things will have to be filled out, the stuff that needs to be changed next year, aka: resolutions.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles Experience

I was fortunate enough to be sent down to Los Angeles by the kind people that I work for and had one amazing time. The projects for the job were a bit challenging, but it is always good to give the old mind a new challenge. The thing that made this trip special was that my wife went with me and when I was not in front of the computer or in some meeting we were able to get out and explore. For quite some time Roscoe's chicken and waffles has been a Restaurant that has gotten my attention every time I saw something on t.v. or surfing the web. My great grandmother used to make the most delicious fried breasts, thighs, and most importantly the wings, and only cooked in the iron skillet of course. This place was able to bring me back to my childhood and the flavor of everything that entered my mouth was almost exactly the same. That is a big deal and means quality top of the line ingredients. Fruit punch and lemonade combined, called the sunrise? The drink was so darn good I can't even write about it without the drool running down the side of my chin. We had grits, macaroni and cheese, and gravy as our side dishes. Honestly, it was like twenty minutes of complete and total heaven. No way in the world were any problems or past life issues coming into my present experience. This was without a doubt a top five dining joys of my entire existence and glad that I am able to post this on my Restaurant blog. Hopefully my boss will decide that another airplane flight to LAX is necessary and a re-visit can happen.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Double Cheeseburger Love

Finally after a long week at work, guess it is because the end of the year is coming and there is so much to do that as a reward I ate a double cheeseburger with fries. It was such a fantastic experience that my mind is in the moment right now as writing this. The stress from the past couple of days really got to me. What better way to celebrate than to go out with friends? I am not a regular drinking kind of guy and since I am old now going to a club is not an option. No one wants to be that old person dancing late at night. It sounds like fun, kind of like being able to re-live the old days, but this isn't cool to do. So indulging in round red meat patties stacked up on top of each other with patties of cheese melted seems to be the best option. It brings me that release that is needed from all that tension. It brings a high for a bit. Ketchup and mayo make for the perfect condiments for my taste. Pickles are not for me and they make me sick, not sure why this is going here, but it is. It took about fifteen minutes to finish and boy was it wonderful. The time was about nine in the evening so by the time we got finished it was almost time for bed. The sleep is so good with a full tummy.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Turkey Breast Burgers from Costco

The truth is I am trying to eat healthier than before. It kind of sounds like a broken record, but for the past couple of week, well about two months now the gym has been visited on a regular basis and the sugar and fat intake has gone down drastically. Something hit me a while back that it is time because there are only so many more days to live, although it might be better to measure in years, about thirty or forty to go. I am working on eating on a schedule. One that consists of getting something into my stomach every three hours. Not just anything though, it needs to be some quality protein and a bit of carbohydrates and something with fiber. Today it was a pan fried turkey breast burger from Costco in Seattle. My wife purchased this frozen plastic bag filled with pre-made patties. This is so convenient being that she is out of town for the week on business. All I have to do is pull one out of the freezer in the morning and put it down into the refrigerator. When the day ended I entered my place of residents and turned on the stove. The iron skillet got real hot and a little olive oil went in to help prevent sticking. The patty went in and in just a few minutes there was a low fat meat source for dinner. She also picked up frozen mixed veggies, so a little bowl went into the microwave and within ten minutes my belly was full. This kind of seems like cheating because it is so easy to do, but then when I think about it, how easy is it to go to Jack in the Box?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

English Muffin Bacon and Egg with Hashbrown Fun

It is very obvious that breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day. It is like this thing that after waking up the mind goes into this place where if focuses on how many hours there are, all the stuff that needs to be completed, and how much energy it is going to require. First things first, a big cup of coffee, always. It is the one thing that is near and dear to my heart and will never be given up. Anyone trying to convert me can just stop and go beep themselves.

English muffin bacon and egg with hash browns is what I had on this special morning. It has been a long one, work has been more stressful that anything and my stomach has been feeling good through it. This means a great decision was made based off the positive effects. It was not that easy to pick this off the restaurant's menu, they have so many wonderful choices. Seeing this combination brought me back to my childhood at where they have that one type of sandwich. The flavor was almost as good, actually it was better because the ingredients are natural and made by a small business owner who puts a lot of love into the quality of the products they put out. The neat part was that it took me about twenty minutes to complete it. My wife mentioned we should take our time while chewing and relaxing. It makes such a difference when I take my time, the taste and flavor is very intense. Rapid eating is a must at times, but when there is the opportunity to go slow, well you know, it will happen.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Enjoying Eggs and Just a Little Bacon

My wife and I got the morning off work together and decided to go have breakfast after we went to the gym. We trained upper body for about forty five minutes and then we ate. It was a tough work out and we pushed our bodies beyond what they could handle. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow holds because of the soreness that will be present.

I got scrambled eggs with cheese and green peppers with just a little bacon on the side. The carbohydrate content was non-existent and calorie-count within reasonable levels. It is not like the pork that is saltier than anything is good for my heart or anything, but a little keeps me mentally doing alright. The plate came with fresh grapefruit juice and I have heard this is not too high in sugar and somehow helps keep the body lean. It was so relaxing to sit next to my love and be totally relaxed after such an intense session at the club. She wanted an egg white only omelet and it was filled with all kinds of vegetables. It looked not all that good on my end, but she love it. The place that we went to serves everything with beans on the side. There is something that works with just a touch of these and it helps with regularity, if you know what I am talking about.

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Gym Diet Starts up Now

Most people decide to get skinny before summer, well not this bird. I don't really give any care in the world to what people think about my figure or how well built my body is. The reason for this gym diet is because health is on my mind. Being fat is not on my list of the things that were what was wanted during my childhood, but that is how it has ended up. Food just tastes so good and when there are so many amazing restaurants in the Seattle area what is one to do? It rains so much and being able to go out to these places with wonderful service and delicious menu items I am bound to have an extra twenty or thirty pounds around my waist. It kind of looks like a tire, but that is not what should be on my mind right now. The thing that should be on focus right now is the outcome of a fit and energetic mind and body. My plan is to enjoy the tasty stuff once a week rather than a few days. It looks like a visit to the Mexican Grill in Newcastle might be a Saturday night event. There will be a full on feast and no one will be able to hold me back. So, off to do some work out routine and a better future is on the way.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Grilled Chicken Breasts to Go for the Entire Week

My wife and I decided on Sunday that we are going to eat healthy. What does this mean? The answer is lean proteins, low carbohydrates, and high fiber. This is just lovely isn't it? Not really so we brainstormed on a way to make it less painful and more enjoyable to do. First thing that came to mind was a way to get our meat source ready without a lot of fat and calories. We decided on grilled chicken breast. There is this place between Bellevue and Newcastle, WA that prepares it typically per order. A thought came about working to get more than a few done and to go and pick them up for a to go request. We called and they agreed and we went and got it. Today is Wednesday and we have been enjoying one per day for the past couple. There are plenty left and they should get us all the way to Friday or Saturday. It is not a fun time for me because sugar was removed from the diet also. The coffee intake has been higher than normal and the water intake has tripled to help curb my appetite. Tonight we will enjoy each other's company and focus on our productive time rather than all the junk food we have been indulging in.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Tuna Sandwich Like no Other

I made a fantastic Tuna sandwich today. Yesterday my wife made one, it tasted alright, but not made to my specifications. She used celery and she kept the water in it that was there from the can. You see, we like the canned kind because it is easy to prepare and high in protein. She put it on wheat bread, she purchased this homemade kind from the store in Bellevue, WA and it is dangerously delicious. This type is perfect with a salad or something healthy, it did not go well with this cause.

Let's get back to the way I prepared it. I get the albacore kind that is soaked in water and drain every bit of fluid out. Then the meat is rinsed in clean water and then that is drained fully. I get a bowl out and place it in there and then add mayonnaise by the spoon full. It has to go in at a certain rate or it will be too fattening. It is all mixed together and made kind of creamy. There is the Wonder white bread; which is used to make the meal. The salt and pepper is sprinkled on top and then it is enjoyed. Yes, it is simple and kind of silly because of how boring it is, but this is my money meal. This is the go to snack or eating time for me because it gives me energy and power to get through the day.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Gatorade Seattle Because it's Hot

Yesterday it was hot in Seattle, WA. When I say that some might think that it means very humid, sticky, and warm and with a temperature over one hundred degrees. That is fine and all, but to be honest it was about eight five yesterday and that was enough to put me a heated mood. What is best to cool me off and bring me back to normal? A Gatorade of course. Yes, most are probably laughing at me thinking this is would actually be a cold day, but bear in mind that there is no such thing as air condition in the north western part of the United States. It is basically like winter time here most of the year so most homes are equipped with the heating unit and avoid the a.c. because it is barely ever used. This was really annoying yesterday because it sure would have been nice to be sitting back on the couch enjoying my Papa John's pizza from Newcastle while that frigid air blows right onto my face. However the reality was that my shirt ended up getting wet in the back and I developed armpit sweat moons. The fan was on high but did not cut it and thankfully the rain came back into town and it is cloudy and dark out. Back to the normal, back to the dreary and gross days that this part of the country has to offer up. But, it keeps the dust down and seems to keep it clean and green. Any who, thanks to the red electrolyte power of the aid drink that brought me some happiness yesterday. Today it is coffee, my best friend in the whole entire world.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Homemade BBQ Sandwich for me

Well, it looks like I have officially decided to become addicted to a new food. There is no way that I wanted to ever become addicted to this, but it happened. Many years ago I lived in the south and was able to snag up many servings of the best pork BBQ in the world. Since then it has been tough to come by, it just simply is not available here in the northwest. The food selection is very large here, but this one thing is so very difficult to obtain. So what should be done about that? I ended up making my own and it was by total accident.

The other day when I was at the QFC in Newcastle the other day and cruising along the refrigerator section my eye picked up some shredded beef that was already prepared. It hit me right then and there, I must make my own sandwich. I put it in my cart and then raced over to the isle that has all the different types of sauces and went ahead and got some D.L. Jardine's Chik'n Lik'n and then over to the bread isle. There was a huge selection of different types of buns and rolls, I went ahead and went with the basic wonder white because it is a true favorite of mine. Just as the checkout line was approached it dawned on me that I wanted cheese to go on top. To mix it up just a little bit I went for the oaxaca cheese, then I took my money out and gave it to the cashier and left and rushed home. After taking less than five minutes to make it was in my stomach and a big huge smile was on my face. It was not the same as those southern delights that was experienced years ago, but it will work just fine.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Patio Eating with Sunshine in Seattle

Here is the deal; it rains a whole lot in Seattle, WA. Way more than what is normal for most people to handle. There is a plus to all the rain, well actually there are quite a few. The first is that the area is clean because of all the rainfall. It washes away the dust and keeps the trees and grass very green in color. The other reason that it is good is because it makes for a great work environment. When the weather is bad you have to stay inside and complete your projects. Anyway, now that the season has changed and it is finally sunny outside for a few days here and there it is a perfect time to go out to a Restaurant in Seattle for delicious food and enjoy it on the patio. When it turns to summer the days are warm but not humid like other parts of the country. I just love to go to the waterfront in Kirkland or in Seattle on Lake Washington. When there is a small breeze going and you are sitting there with a glass of wine or a beer eating a burger and fries, ahhh. This is when life is really, really good. All those days of work and rain become a distant past and I am able to be right there in the moment. It is not often when I can really be in the moment and take all my surroundings in and be thankful for all that I have in life. I am so fortunate and this must be coming from that yellow round thing in the blue sky that brings happiness to us rainy folks in the Emerald City.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mr. Pancakes Sunday Night

Well, I did it tonight, pancakes were made for dinner. They are usually enjoyed in the morning as a breakfast dish and have something that goes along side such as scrambled eggs and bacon. No sides went along with the meal tonight and it was just a big old pancake evening. My wife and I had a very busy weekend. The weather here in Seattle finally made a turn for the better and we were able to get into the yard and get it cleaned up a bit and ready for summer. We spend a lot of time outside during the next couple of months when the sun does actually shine. It is so beautiful here in the summer, months and months of perfect sunny weather. Last night we were so hungry that we decided to make a trip to El Tapatio Newcastle WA for some darn great Mexican food from our most favorite Restaurant on the east side. It is just a few minutes from our place in Bellevue. We worked up such an appetite that we ended up eating everything on our plates, so needless to say there are no left-overs today. This is why I made those hotcakes. They are so easy to make. I think it only took me about four minutes to combine the ingredients and then another five to make them. Such a great little way to end the weekend. The big weekend, Memorial Day is coming up and we are really looking forward to some excellent weather and some fun times with our family and friends.