It has been a rough couple of months, having to give up all the sugar and white bread. I miss all the sweets and empty calories, let me tell you, to escape from the stress and problems each day by indulging was quite fun. My life now has changed some, the choice has to be made to do things that will not cut life short from a heart attack or some other obese related thing that could put me in the hospital or maybe not here anymore at all. Reality sucks sometimes, but making decisions based off facts are the way to go in this world. So, it has been a routine of exercise and low glycemic foods.
It was a busy morning, for some reason I was lucky enough to work on this Memorial Day, seriously though, it was not that bad if you get past all the sarcasm. Sometimes it is extremely enjoyable to show up to the job when everyone else is off, especially when I was able to run home for a bit and make lunch, and now later take a few minutes and write about it. Great therapy for me to get this off my mind and share.

Why can't I make this stuff tasty? It is next to impossible for me to season dishes correctly, or even cook them right. The lentils were way too dry, brown rice was was actually alright, and then a burnt sirloin burger, what a disaster. A photograph is included, not my most memorable lunch needless to say. Tried to improve it by putting soy sauce on the side and cheese on top, a way to cover up the lack of skill of a proper chef. Ketchup makes the beef taste better, along with dob of mozzarella. Hope you enjoyed this post, if anyone read it at all. I benefit from it because it clears up space in my brain.