Monday, July 25, 2011
Gatorade Seattle Because it's Hot
Yesterday it was hot in Seattle, WA. When I say that some might think that it means very humid, sticky, and warm and with a temperature over one hundred degrees. That is fine and all, but to be honest it was about eight five yesterday and that was enough to put me a heated mood. What is best to cool me off and bring me back to normal? A Gatorade of course. Yes, most are probably laughing at me thinking this is would actually be a cold day, but bear in mind that there is no such thing as air condition in the north western part of the United States. It is basically like winter time here most of the year so most homes are equipped with the heating unit and avoid the a.c. because it is barely ever used. This was really annoying yesterday because it sure would have been nice to be sitting back on the couch enjoying my Papa John's pizza from Newcastle while that frigid air blows right onto my face. However the reality was that my shirt ended up getting wet in the back and I developed armpit sweat moons. The fan was on high but did not cut it and thankfully the rain came back into town and it is cloudy and dark out. Back to the normal, back to the dreary and gross days that this part of the country has to offer up. But, it keeps the dust down and seems to keep it clean and green. Any who, thanks to the red electrolyte power of the aid drink that brought me some happiness yesterday. Today it is coffee, my best friend in the whole entire world.