My wife and I got the morning off work together and decided to go have breakfast after we went to the gym. We trained upper body for about forty five minutes and then we ate. It was a tough work out and we pushed our bodies beyond what they could handle. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow holds because of the soreness that will be present.

I got scrambled eggs with cheese and green peppers with just a little bacon on the side. The carbohydrate content was non-existent and calorie-count within reasonable levels. It is not like the pork that is saltier than anything is good for my heart or anything, but a little keeps me mentally doing alright. The plate came with fresh grapefruit juice and I have heard this is not too high in sugar and somehow helps keep the body lean. It was so relaxing to sit next to my love and be totally relaxed after such an intense session at the club. She wanted an egg white only omelet and it was filled with all kinds of vegetables. It looked not all that good on my end, but she love it. The place that we went to serves everything with beans on the side. There is something that works with just a touch of these and it helps with regularity, if you know what I am talking about.