Monday, September 19, 2011
The Gym Diet Starts up Now
Most people decide to get skinny before summer, well not this bird. I don't really give any care in the world to what people think about my figure or how well built my body is. The reason for this gym diet is because health is on my mind. Being fat is not on my list of the things that were what was wanted during my childhood, but that is how it has ended up. Food just tastes so good and when there are so many amazing restaurants in the Seattle area what is one to do? It rains so much and being able to go out to these places with wonderful service and delicious menu items I am bound to have an extra twenty or thirty pounds around my waist. It kind of looks like a tire, but that is not what should be on my mind right now. The thing that should be on focus right now is the outcome of a fit and energetic mind and body. My plan is to enjoy the tasty stuff once a week rather than a few days. It looks like a visit to the Mexican Grill in Newcastle might be a Saturday night event. There will be a full on feast and no one will be able to hold me back. So, off to do some work out routine and a better future is on the way.