Thursday, October 27, 2011

English Muffin Bacon and Egg with Hashbrown Fun

It is very obvious that breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day. It is like this thing that after waking up the mind goes into this place where if focuses on how many hours there are, all the stuff that needs to be completed, and how much energy it is going to require. First things first, a big cup of coffee, always. It is the one thing that is near and dear to my heart and will never be given up. Anyone trying to convert me can just stop and go beep themselves.

English muffin bacon and egg with hash browns is what I had on this special morning. It has been a long one, work has been more stressful that anything and my stomach has been feeling good through it. This means a great decision was made based off the positive effects. It was not that easy to pick this off the restaurant's menu, they have so many wonderful choices. Seeing this combination brought me back to my childhood at where they have that one type of sandwich. The flavor was almost as good, actually it was better because the ingredients are natural and made by a small business owner who puts a lot of love into the quality of the products they put out. The neat part was that it took me about twenty minutes to complete it. My wife mentioned we should take our time while chewing and relaxing. It makes such a difference when I take my time, the taste and flavor is very intense. Rapid eating is a must at times, but when there is the opportunity to go slow, well you know, it will happen.